because your job is unique...
we create bespoke solutions
for you

asset sales
Experience in selling a vast range of assets, from heavy machinery and industrial equipment, through to IT and home appliances. We offer a broad range of sale methods, including Online and Live Auctions, Tenders, Expressions of Interest and Sales by Negotiation. Providing a truly end to end service, we also offer dynamic and targeted marketing with tailored solution that maximise the return for your assets.

Our appraisal service offers you the ability to ascertain the value of assets for sale, purchase, or transfer between companies. Where appropriate, we fully contextualise the values provided with specific industry outlook commentary, and highlight contributing factors for consideration to assist in your decision making.

project management
We offer full end to end service for the management and sale of assets, supporting a range of clients across different sized projects and within multiple industries. While we maintain strong relationships with strategic partners, we have flexibility to work with any vendors and focus on offering truly bespoke, custom solutions that suit the specific business needs of our clients.

number 8 solutions brings 35 years of industry experience - 15 years combined experience from the leading Australasian auction brand GraysOnline. We offer specialisation across asset and project management, valuations, auctions, marketing and e-commerce.
Our dynamic team work across a multitude of clients, from local family run businesses in NZ, to large international corporations and Blue Chip brands. The combined experience supports complete customisation of approach to offer the most suitable solution for any project.
We are proudly New Zealand owned and operated, believing in the Kiwi mentality of number 8 wire. Ingenuity, versatility, resourcefulness, and getting the job done.
of assets
years of experience
For any enquiries, questions or commendations, please call: +64 21 274 4861 or fill out the following form
postal Address
PO Box 100060
North Shore
Auckland 0745
Mike Edmonds
Andrew Niven